Battleroof Games Community Guidelines

Battleroof Games Community Guidelines

Battleroof Games (“Battleroof, our, we, us”) provides an online platform, which hosts skill-based games that may be played casually, or for real money, content, and related solutions (Services), through our mobile application, named “Battleroof” (Platform) to end users (Users, you, your). Some parts of Battleroof’s Services may also provide Users the ability to interact, communicate, chat or have discussions with other Users, Battleroof’s employees, or authorized representatives.

These Community Guidelines (“Guidelines”) offer general guidance on the basic standards that Users must fully respect and follow in their interactions with other Users, Battleroof’s employees, or authorized representatives, on or enabled through the Platform or Services.

You must read and familiarize yourself with these Guidelines and strictly comply with its contents. The Community Guidelines must be read in conjunction with the Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, Responsible Gaming Policy, and Fairplay Policy. Battleroof reserves the right to review and respond to interactions not specifically covered by these Guidelines, on a case-to-case basis.


Battleroof respects the privacy of its Users and takes reasonable measures to safeguard User privacy and data, as mentioned in its Privacy Policy. However, Battleroof cannot control the content of Users’ interactions, which may be visible to other Users on the Platform too. Therefore, Users must never share their personal information in their interactions with other Users.

User Profile

  • Your profile name must not contain any derogatory, offensive, profane words or slurs;

  • Your profile name should not contain names of other brands; and

  • You must provide correct and updated documents for completing your profile information.

Prohibited Interactions

Battleroof strictly prohibits the use of inappropriate content in any interactions on or enabled through the Platform. Users must exercise due care and discretion not to publish, share, upload, disseminate, post, distribute, or otherwise transmit inappropriate content. Inappropriate content includes, without limitation:

Profanity or Abuse

  • Users must never transmit any profanities or abuses or any signs which symbolize profanities or abuse;
  • Indecent, lewd or abusive language, gesture or comment;
  • Form of vulgar categorization of any person; or
  • Obscene, offensive, indecent, racial, communal, anti-national, objectionable, defamatory or abusive content.


  • Transmit unsolicited messages to Users for any commercial purpose;
  • Transmit messages to other Users directing them to leave or re-direct them to another website, application, platform;
  • Repeatedly send the same message to a large number of Users;
  • Transmit any promotional messages or advertisements to the Users promoting or informing the Users about any product, goods, services, brands, events etc. including self-promotion;
  • Offer or sell any goods or services;
  • Send a series of messages or comments to a specific or large number of Users;
  • Send messages to Users asking them to follow, subscribe to or join any mailing channel, profile, community, person etc.; or
  • Send promotional codes or other similar contents for the sale of goods or services.

Harassment or Bullying

  • Content which targets any individual/s on the basis their race, religious beliefs, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, caste, nationality, political affiliation, language, age, disability, dietary habits, etc;
  • Content which defames or slander any individual, community, group or association of individuals;
  • Message which may be aggressive, threatening, rude, repetitive, sexually harassing;
  • Any content which shames or targets a person who is a survivor of domestic abuse, human trafficking, sexual violence etc.;
  • Content which contains derogatory remarks, comments, terms or slurs against any individual/s or groups;
  • Message which releases or threatens to release any person’s personal information including their name, phone number, email id, residential address etc. in public domain or publish any other information that is an invasion of another’s privacy, their bodily privacy;
  • Message which dehumanizes any individual or compares them to any insect, animal, inanimate object etc.;
  • Content which draws negative attention to any physical characteristic of any individual/s or shames them or makes derogatory comment about any disability, disease or infirmity;
  • Message which attempts to justify, condone or support any form of violence, discrimination, or improper behavior against any person;
  • Content which discusses any person’s sexual orientation, sexual history or attempts to portray any individual in a negative light due to their alleged sexual behavior; or
  • Message which calls for, suggests or encourages others to engage in harassment, bullying or targeting another individual.

Illegal Behavior or Call for Violence

We have zero tolerance for any message or content which calls for or incites violence or any other illegal activity. Users must not transmit any material which may be perceived as inciting violence or undertaking any illegal activity. Without limiting the foregoing, Users must not transmit any:

  • Message which incites, advocates or calls for action for violence or physical harm towards any individual, group, community or justifies past acts of violence;
  • Message which provides a guidance on carrying out violence or of committing any illegal activity;
  • Inflammatory or motivated statements that may lead to violence or disturb peace and harmony;
  • Content which admits, justifies, glorifies, condones or agrees with commission of violence;
  • Content which depicts any violent, gory or graphic content;
  • Message which reveals an intent to commit any violent or illegal act;
  • Any symbols which have historically been associated with violence towards or oppression of any group, community or individuals;
  • Messages which promote hatred towards any individual, group or community;
  • Content that promotes, advocates, justifies, glories or condone commission of illegal activities including but not limited to gang wars, persecution, slavery, bonded labor, human trafficking;
  • Illegal content or material;
  • Content which calls for destructions of social and national institutions or promotes enmity amongst groups;
  • Content which promotes money-laundering, bribery, embezzlement etc.;
  • Content which advocates for or attempts to prevent the investigation of any offence by investigating agencies or prevent public servants from undertaking their duties;
  • Content which advocates for or supports terrorism or funding of terrorism or related activities;
  • Content which justifies, encourages, promotes or glories suicide or self-harm or provides instructions on the same; or
  • Content which threatens the unity, integrity, defense, security or sovereignty of India or friendly relations of India with other countries.

Impersonation and Fraud

  • Users must not post any content that may deceive, misrepresent, defraud or otherwise harm any person. Without limiting the foregoing, Users must not transmit any content that:
  • Impersonates any person or entity, including, but not limited to, a representative of Battleroof, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent User's affiliation with a person or entity;
  • Forges or manipulates identifiers or other data to disguise the origin of any content transmitted through Battleroof or manipulates User's presence on Battleroof or deceives the recipient about the origin of a message in any other manner;
  • Claims to represent an individual without having appropriate authority to do so;
  • Attempts to deceive an individual for unjust gain including through promotion of Ponzi schemes, pre-approved loans, cash flips etc.;
  • Falsifies or deletes any author attributions, legal or other proper notices or proprietary designations or labels of the origin or the source of software or other material;

Hate Speech

Hate speech includes any form of expression that incites, promotes, justifies, or glorifies violence, hatred, discrimination against an individual, group of person, community or dehumanizes or denigrates such individual due to various characteristics including race, religious beliefs, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, caste, nationality, political affiliation, language, dietary habits etc. The promotion or use of hate speech of any degree is strictly prohibited. Users must not transmit any content which:

  • Dehumanizes, denigrates, generalizes, stereotypes any individual or group of individuals;
  • Denies, justifies or glorifies past or current violence against any individual or group of individuals;
  • Uses derogatory terms or slurs against any individual or group of individuals;
  • Calls for ostracization, alienation of an individual or a group of individual or promotes segregation of communities on the basis of an identity/beliefs;
  • Promotes, encourages or incites violence against any individual or group; or
  • Claims an individual or a group to be inferior, corrupt, polluted and/or advocates for differential treatment of such individual or group due to such inferiority, corruption or pollution.

Intellectual Property Rights Violations

Users must not copy, distribute, make available to the public or create any derivative work from any content made available on the Platform and/or to any other User. Users must also not share, copy, distribute, transmit, or make available to the public any content not created by them, or which they lack permission to share.

Battleroof respects the intellectual property rights of others and expects its Users to do the same. Battleroof strictly prohibits intellectual property rights violations as per its terms.

Sexual Content and Nudity

  • Battleroof strictly prohibits and has zero tolerance for any attempted use of its Platform or Services for exchanging sexually charged or provocative content. Users must never transmit any material which:
  • Depicts, encourages or promotes sexual violence, sexual exploitation, murder, rape or any similar content;
  • Describes or depicts nudity, pornography, sexual activities, intimate images etc or any sexually explicit content;
  • Makes sexual advances, or which may be considered to be sexually harassing other person/s;
  • Encourages, praises, advocates, depicts child sexual exploitation, child pornography or child sexual abuse;
  • Promotes or depicts paedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality or any other activity of a like nature; or
  • Focuses or draws attention towards genitals of children, or portrays them in a sexual manner.

Guidelines Violations

Any violation of these Community Guidelines may have serious repercussions, including legal action. If Battleroof is made or becomes aware of any User action which violates these Community Guidelines, or harms other Users, Battleroof may take corrective action it deems appropriate, including without limitation, restricting or terminating use of such offender’s Services, and blocking, restricting, or forfeit any amounts, prizes, or privileges that the offender may have received on the Platform, or that have otherwise been given to such offender. Battleroof may share the details of any violative content with law enforcement agencies to report or prevent the commission of any crime.


If you believe and/or know that these Guidelines have been violated, we offer you full recourse to our 3-tiered grievance redressal mechanism. We assure you that we will take all reasonable measures to acknowledge and resolve your grievances.

If you would like to complain of any Guidelines violations, you may please use the grievance redressal mechanism described in our terms.

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